School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.


Mathematics is delivered as a core subject to all students in Years 7 to 14
Key Stage 3
In years 7, 8 and 9 we follow White Rose Maths and modify the schemes of learning to meet the needs of our students.  Specific work is not designated for a particular year group since ability varies from group to group and year to year. Lessons are adapted to suit the needs of the students with a focus on practical learning, functional skills and the use of concrete resources to support learning.
Key Stage 4
All Year 10 and 11 students study for an appropriate qualification.  The level of qualification can range from Entry Level up to GCSE / Level 2 depending upon student progress at Key Stage 3.
6th form
Students continue to study Maths as a core subject until they achieve a GCSE grade 4 or an equivalent qualification.  As students come to us from a range of backgrounds and experiences we will seek to provide them with a programme of study which is tailored to their individual needs.
A link to useful websites we use for teaching in Maths can be found on the home page on the Ashley High School website ('Curriculum / Curriculum Websites').
Please support your child at home by practising their Mathematics in everyday situations, e.g. telling the time or shopping.