School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.

School Yard

Morning All,

 Over the past few weeks, we have noticed a growing number of cars, taxis and buses accessing the school yard of a morning to drop pupils off at school, meaning it can be a bit chaotic. In order to ensure the Health & Safety and safeguarding of EVERYBODY, we have decided to implement some slight changes from Tuesday, May 7th.

 From Tuesday, the school gates will be opened first thing of a morning and vehicles allowed on to the yard until 8:50am. At 8:50am, as staff come out on to the yard, we will prevent any more vehicles coming in, meaning any that arrive after this time will wait on Cawfield Avenue. Please ensure you leave enough room for vehicles to pass. 

We will then allow the vehicles on the yard to offload pupils and leave in a particular order. Again, please be patient whilst we do so. If you are able to turn left on to Cawfield Avenue as you leave the school yard (rather than right), this will improve the flow of traffic. Once all of these vehicles have left, and pupils are with staff, we will then allow other vehicles on to the yard and allow them to offload in a particular order. 

 We recognise, particularly to begin with, that it may take a bit longer to get all pupils on to the yard, and that some vehicles may need to wait for a period of time. Please be patient! 

The reason for the changes is to try to ensure there are no accidents or injuries. We may find initially that there some logistical problems. Please bear with us as we look to address these. If it does take a bit longer for us to receive all pupils, please reassure them that they will not be marked late.

 The systems in place at 3pm, when pupils leave school, will remain unchanged for the time being, as entry and exit times seem to be naturally staggered. If this changes, we will be sure to give everybody prior notice.

 Finally, if your child is able to travel to school independently, please encourage them to do so. Not only will this address the large number of vehicles accessing the yard, but it will also develop their independent living skills as they approach adulthood. if you would like to discuss the possibility of your child receiving Independent Travel Training from a trained professional, then feel free to contact us in school and we can look to arrange this.

 Many thanks for your, patience, understanding and continued support,

Mike Jones