School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.

Parent Survey

Parent/Carer Survey 2023

Thank you to all Parents/Carers who took part in our survey in June/July 2023. We received 35 responses (36% returned of the total sent out). Some parent/carers completed the ‘tick’ section of the survey but chose not to leave a comment. Please see below for all comments received. Any issues raised, we have tried or are trying to address. Please see the final section for our responses and download the results in graph/percentage form below.

General comments

  • Thank you for making our son smile again and helping him develop emotional strategies.
  • When XXX came to Ashley she was lacking in confidence within herself and school work. Ashley has made her more confident and helped her so much with her school work
  • Very supportive staff
  • Ashley School is a wonderful school and it has been a delight to watch my son grow in confidence with all the help and support given
  • School and staff are amazing and very good with the kids
  • I feel there wasn’t enough trips for my son’s year group as he has progressed through the school compared to other year groups; seems that some teachers are more proactive than other teachers
  • When I contact school, staff are always helpful and friendly. My child has had a great experience at Ashley school to date and I would highly recommend this school to other parents
  • Thank you!
  • We are so happy with XXX’s progress this year. She has come on so much and her confidence has grown so much. She is happy everyday coming to school so I know she is enjoying her time at school. We would like to thank all the staff for helping XXX to grow so much this year. She is a credit to your teaching.
  • We as a family think that Ashley High School has been a brilliant school and we get great support for our son
  • Great school, great teachers. Thank you.
  • The school is welcoming.
  • I only know when things are going wrong. When we are struggling school don’t seem to know how they can help, what other services can help. School are very reliant on me. I don’t always feel welcome as I’m called to come in when there is something wrong.
  • Our son has had an extremely challenging time due to mental health difficulties and Ashley have been fundamental in his slow transition back to school. Sandra Collacott is always extremely helpful.
  • My daughter is happy at Ashley School, there has been so much difference in her both at school and home since she started last year.
Is there anything you especially like about Ashley School?

  • Staff are amazing, whole family support given
  • They listen to the pupils and parents and that gives you confidence in the school
  • Welcoming and caring
  • Yes, caring and each child’s needs are met individually with support at all times. An honest and happy school
  • How the school strives to continue improving and trying new things
  • The staff actually care about the children
  • Very fond of the school and all the staff. Very well run and very supportive of pupils. You listen and work with us. Ashley will always have a special place in my heart
  • My son is progressing socially for the first time. He is making friends. The school are still pushing him academically and he enjoys going. After having his whole primary school life as a battle and upset for him, this is a fantastic change. He feels more accepted and respected. He is overall much happier here.
  • I think having pets for the children to look after is lovely. This is something she has really enjoyed.
  • Ashley High provides superb opportunities to the children. We feel that our child is accepted, included and his needs are well met.
  • The staff at Ashley are friendly and supportive. Our son had a very difficult time when in another school and when he started Ashley High he became more confident in school and safer.
  • Our boy had lost his path at junior school. The staff really didn’t know how to deal with his outbursts and could no longer get him back on track. Ashley saved him; saved his wellbeing and education. We would have been lost without your expertise.
  • Small class sizes. That the children get to follow the curriculum yet get support along the way also.
  • Staff and pupils are lovely.
  • They are always happy to help and very welcoming.
  • The school has challenged and addressed a number of important social skills with our son as foundations for lifelong learning.
  • We are very pleased with the way our son has progressed since starting at Ashley.
  • All staff are extremely helpful and polite. Reassuring and each and every concern, query or difficulty is met with such empathy, compassion and dealt with immediately and professionally. Mrs Ogburn, Miss Wilson and Mrs Lunt are exceptional!
  • I feel that my daughter is safe and supported at school; she has people she can talk to when her anxieties are high. Ashley School are proactive and have strategies in place to fully assist all students. Excellent staff. Very calming, welcoming environment.
  • Ashley is an excellent school and my daughter has enjoyed her secondary school experience. Widnes is very lucky to have a school like Ashley.
  • Communication, availability and accessible staff if required.
  • Ashley works for each child individually making sure all their needs are catered for and supporting them with therapies and any other required needs.
Do you have any suggestions to help us further improve our provision here at Ashley High School?

  • Don’t think there are any improvements to be made
  • No it’s a great school that allows us as parents to feel happy knowing our child is happy and safe and cared for. I had lost trust in the education system until my son went to Ashley. Thank you x
  • Please continue as you are!
  • I didn’t receive a few newsletters that were given out to my son. He forgets and puts them in his locker. If more info can be put on the school website? The last letter we didn’t get was about Everton half term fun days. By the time we found out (through the FB group), it was too late.
  • No as we are happy with everything at Ashley.
  • Nothing comes to mind as we are very happy with the school.
  • I honestly don’t believe you can improve. What you all do is wonderful. THANK YOU!
  • Sometimes I feel that the issues I have at home are different to what the issue my child has in school. This is never discussed and causes issue with any diagnosis going forward.
  • Would like a few more after school clubs, Art maybe, Computer club.
  • We all get phone calls when there has been an incident/behaviour/problem/meltdown. I would like some positive feedback phone calls.
  • Real need for accessible pay scheme for trips/lunches etc (eg. Parent Pay – also can be reviewed by parents what children have eaten during the school day.

You commented or asked us for / Our response or what we have put in place

  • Not receiving newsletters/letters – we no longer send out paper copies of newsletters (partly for environmental reasons but also because many were left behind in school by students). Since September 2018, all weekly newsletters have been published on the school website. We are also proposing that from September 2019 the Parent group post the link to the newsletter on their Facebook page. All letters home are put onto the school website in the Parent section. From September 2019, all letters will be clearly labelled with the date it was given or sent out and the class, year group or whole school as appropriate. We are also looking at ways in which we can regularly update the website calendar and include more details for parents.
  • Different issues at home and in school not discussed – we have a member of staff who will be working as a Family Link person. She will be available to make home visits if required where any issues or concerns you have can be discussed in confidence. The school are always willing to listen and we are keen to offer support for our families. If we cannot help, we will try to signpost to services that can.
  • Would like a few more after school clubs – as our school times are changing from September 2019, after school clubs will start at 3pm and finish at 3.45pm. There will be some new clubs on offer from the 9th September, including ICT and Homework. There will be a charge of £1 for each club and parents will need to collect their child from school at 3.45pm. More information can be found on the News section of the school website.
  • Positive feedback phone calls - we are keen to share positive news with parents and have a number of ways to do this including postcards home, speaking with parents at the end of the day (if they collect their child from school) and phone calls home when possible.
  • Pay scheme – we have looked into this in the past and it has been too expensive and not financially viable for us as a small school. However, we are currently looking into this again via our website provider School Spider and hopefully we can come up with a more cost effective solution which can be offered to parents in the near future.