School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.

Curriculum Statement & Policy

In September 2022 the school introduced a new functional based curriculum tailored to meet the needs of our evolving student population. The development of our curriculum, whilst being led by the Leadership and Management Team is the result of hard work, knowledge, skill and passion of all the staff and professionals that we work with. Staff have worked closely together to develop the curriculum, meaning that there is real ownership and understanding to the route that we are taking.

The move to the development of a functional based curriculum is a key priority for the school due to the increasing number of students with complex needs working significantly below age related expectations.  All of our learners face barriers to learning and are at significant risk of not achieving educational outcomes or future paid employment.  The functional based curriculum will allow students to continue to follow the National Curriculum but there will be a strong emphasis on practical learning, independent living, life, vocational and employability skills. There will no longer be an option to study GCSE’s at Key stage 4 and 5, instead, students will study accredited Functional Skills qualifications in core subjects. The move to a functional based curriculum is also supported by a recent HMC Report: The State of Education – Time to Talk, that has found that the current education system is “failing to prepare young people to thrive in the 21st century” and emphasises the importance of “personal development and well-being, creativity, problem-solving skills, critical thinking and values needed for personal agency and active, ethical citizenship in a respectful, tolerant and sustainable world”.

It is hoped that the introduction of a functional curriculum will develop the essential key skills that our young people need to progress in work, education and life as well as developing self-efficacy, self-esteem, confidence and resilience.