School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.


We recognise that numeracy is an important life skill. Being numerate means being able to reason with numbers and to solve a variety of problems in everyday life.

Numeracy skills are needed in every subject in school.

Alongside Numeracy in lessons, students will complete tasks with their pastoral teacher and can also access online programs both in school and at home.

Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables:

We have purchased this program as it has been proven to help children make big improvements in both their ability and confidence in maths. We encourage our students to use the website every day. Doodle Maths will learn where our students' strengths are, and areas to improve, and then builds an individual program just for them. Each student has their own personal login which records their progress.
This is an online program to support students to learn their multiplication up to 12 x 12. Students work through games, speed tests and grids to support their learning. Worksheets are also available to help to consolidate. Students can work towards certificates to celebrate their achievements.

Catch Up Numeracy:

This is a structured one to one intervention for learners who find numeracy difficult.