School closes on Friday 14th February at 3pm. School reopens on Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 8.50am. We welcome employers wanting to engage with our school, please contact us for more information on how you can support our careers programme.

Curriculum Websites

The links below will allow you to directly access the following websites:

Maths Websites

Students and teachers can also set up tasks from the on-line library. 

Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables
are online learning tools that builds maths confidence in children with an individual programme tailored to strengths and weaknesses. 

is an online learning tool which is useful when revising for GCSEs.
is an online learning tool to consolidate tables.

All students have their own logins for these websites. Your teacher can supply you with these.

Please encourage your child to use these websites at home to improve their skills and promote independence.

English Websites
  • Studyladder
    Parents can purchase a home licence for the students to access tasks at home.
  • BBC Bitesize
    Students can use this site to revise KS3 topics (Years 7-9) and for GCSE preparation. For those students who are following the GCSE course, we study the AQA syllabus.
  • Mr Bruff YouTube Channel
    Mr Bruff is an English teacher and his videos cover lots of different topics.
  • Renaissance Place
    Students will need to access Renaissance Place when they have finished a reading book and are ready to complete an online quiz. To assist with this, please encourage your child to read at home.
  • CGP Revision Guides
    All students have a CGP revision guide relevant to the course they are studying. Students should read through the notes and attempt the practice tests regularly.
  • Spelling Frame
    Pupils can use this site to revise spelling patterns
  • EdShed
Your teacher can supply you with your username and password.
Student Questionnaire